Why Should You Care – about me?

Hi.  My name is Linda.  My last day of work was April 29, 2016 – the day before my 60th birthday.  For many, this is early retirement and I feel fortunate I was able to do so.  I’m grateful I worked for the same company for 38 years and was able to be financially set.

One day, pretty much out of the blue, I had this thought about writing a blog.  Why?  I’m still not quite sure, but as I’ve thought about my life as a retiree, I wondered if I had some insights to share.

When preparing for retirement, many people would ask “what will you do all day?”.  I was never worried about that, and so far, it hasn’t been a problem.  My experience has been, there aren’t enough hours in the day.  How did I possibly work?

I have lots of interests, most (if not all) which are suited to my introvert personality.  So I thought maybe others in my situation could benefit from my experiences.

I chose my name – retired introvert – to emphasize that I would not be writing about all the exotic places I’m visiting and all the activities I’m involved in.  That doesn’t mean I don’t like to travel or be active; it just means that’s not my number one goal in retirement.  And I suspect some people worry that they won’t have a fulfilling retired life, especially as an introvert.  Or maybe there’s an advantage to being a retired introvert. Who knows?  I just hope I can share things that interest you.  As I said, I have lots of interests – maybe one will speak to you!!


Next Steps…

If you’re new to my site, check things out.  If you’re into projects, I have a Project Gallery page that might interest you.  Otherwise, browse my blog posts and let me know what you think.  You can even search by category if there’s something specific you’d like to read about.

Thanks for visiting!!

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