This page on my website contains organization aids, several of which are spreadsheets, that I’ve tried and tested. If they can make my life easier, I thought they might do the same for yours.

Please enjoy these but also let me know if you’d make changes. I’m always open to making improvements and as more people use these, we can all benefit from your suggestions.

Grocery List Template

If you’re looking for an easy (and consistent) way to create your grocery shopping list, here’s a template you can use. This has made a huge difference in the efficiency of our grocery shopping.

Simply update it to fit your needs, print it each time you need it, and highlight the items you need to buy. You can easily update it as time goes on with additional items.

The template has two sheets in it. The first is by type of product. The second is by location. Clearly, the location template would need to be tailored to your own grocery store. You could even update it to include multiple stores, if you’re accustomed to shopping not only at your local grocery store but also Costco or Trader Joe’s, for example.

The key is, it’s very easy to make it fit each person’s individual needs. Download to Excel (or load into Google Sheets) and fire away.

As always, let me know if you have suggestions for improvements.

Personal Information Binder

There are three documents related to this. I created an eBook to walk you through each section of the binder, explaining how I would use it.

Included here are the eBook, the section pages, and a template for creating your own content. Click on the Download button to create a copy for yourself.

If you don’t have Word, trying using Google Docs. It’s free and you can open up any Word document there.

I recommend printing the section pages on card stock so they’re sturdy. I also added simple tabs to mine to make it easier to find each section. See my post – Creating a Personal Information Binder – for more information.