It seems there are so many possible topics for today’s post that I couldn’t think of just one to write about. So, I’m going to recap what I did this past week. It also answers that never-ending question – what do you do all day?
US Open Tennis
This is an unusual week in that it was the second week of the US Open tennis tournament. This is the one Grand Slam tournament where I can watch as much as they broadcast because it’s during “normal” hours.
I’ve had it on all day, sometimes for 12 hours or longer. Now, let me say, that doesn’t mean I’m planted in my chair all day watching. No. I am usually catching bits and pieces while I’m doing other things. But, if there’s a good match I really want to watch, I will sit down for a while. Or when a match becomes particularly exciting. One of the many benefits of retirement.
I will admit, though, I’m ready to get back to my normal days, when the TV isn’t even on all day. And I can get back to my regular sleeping routine. Tim says I should stay up as late as I want since I don’t have to get up early. That’s good in theory, but after several nights of getting to bed around midnight, I’m pooped!! Especially since I’m not one who can instantly fall asleep. According to FitBit’s new sleep score, I’m lucky to get a Fair night’s sleep!!
Men’s semis today, women’s final tomorrow and men’s final on Sunday. I shouldn’t have any more trouble getting to bed on time. But I will have tennis withdrawal next week.
Knit-Along (KAL)
I mentioned earlier this summer that I was considering joining a knit-along at our local yarn shop. Well, in August I signed up and I’ve already completed week one’s assignment.
With the US Open in full swing, I didn’t attend the tailgating afternoon last Friday and I won’t be going today. I hope to make it next Friday. I think it will be fun to see how others are coming along.
I did start it last Friday while watching tennis and then finished it on Saturday. I can’t say I’ll always be done that quickly, but I was eager to get a good start on it. I have this week’s assignment printed and ready to go and may pick it up later today. I’ll definitely work on it tomorrow while I watch the Hawkeye football game!! Oh, did I mention the final result will be a shawl? And it’s in Hawkeye colors?
I did take a little time from tennis on Wednesday for a massage. I’ve been getting massages for at least 14 years, with a small break when my vertigo was particularly bad. It’s the best kind of therapy there is. It should be considered medical and covered by insurance, don’t you think?
My massage therapist operates out of her home and creates the most relaxing atmosphere. She has a dedicated room where the ceiling is painted with clouds, there are twinkle lights all around the room on a high shelf, and this time of year she has a waterfall running outside the window. Wednesday was a glorious day to be there.
Massage room – looking outside Massage room – fireplace for cool days Listening to the waterfall Look at that ice!! In May. Gorgeous view – before summer growth
When I was working, I could only go at night. Sometimes I miss those times, because it would be dark outside and the twinkly lights would be the only light in the room. Now that’s relaxing. Along with the soothing music. Aaah.
But it’s nice going during the day now that I’m retired. I don’t have to recover from a hectic day anymore but it’s still a nice break in the routine. After 3+ years of retirement, I think maybe my back muscles are starting to relax just a little, but there’s still room for improvement.
I also get to play with Latte, her cute dog who loves to be in the room during my massage.
Cross stitch finishes
After a few months of stitching, I’ve accumulated a fair number of projects that need to be finished so they can be given as gifts or displayed in my home. I decided September would be a finishing month.
Last week, I planned them all out and made sure I had all the supplies I needed. With the way this week’s gone, I didn’t get to the first project until yesterday. I like the way it turned out considering it was a new technique for me. I’m going to use the same technique on another one.
I’ll eventually share them, but will wait until I have more ready to go. It’s fun seeing them turn into something useful. Well, as useful as any type of decor can be.
Other miscellaneous things
I have a few birthdays in September, so I need to get busy on cards. I did finish one yesterday, but I already had a good start on it. (Tennis didn’t start yesterday until 6:00 PM CDT so I had time to work on stuff.)
I also knitted another pair of slippers. I can’t talk too much about those because they’ll be a present, possibly for someone who’s reading this blog!! 😮
My reading has tanked these last two weeks. I did manage to get our September book club book read but haven’t done much else in terms of reading.
We can’t find two of the books I had on my “to read this year” list. How does that happen? I know I wouldn’t have included them if they were gone. It’s not like I don’t have plenty of other books to read instead. I just hate it when my plan is all messed up!!
I pulled out all of our fall decorations and put things into place, including the few new items we purchased a couple of weeks ago. Tim always thinks we don’t have enough, but I prefer quality over quantity!! If you follow me on Instagram, you know that I recently finished a couple of cross stitch pieces for Thanksgiving. More finishing to do!!
Now that I’ve listed all this, it seems I’ve done more than I realized. This afternoon, I hope to get out on the deck, enjoy the beautiful almost fall day, and start a new book. (Tennis starts at 3:00.)
Tomorrow, I’ll be able to sit and relax, watch the Hawkeyes at 11:00, and work on my KAL shawl. All before tennis starts. This time of year sure can be great!!
In a perfect world, massage would be covered by insurance!
Why can’t we have that perfect world????
I like when you talk about your crafts…it inspires me to pick up my own! Maybe this month, I’ll get that cross-stitch completed!
No time like the present to get started!! Starting is always the toughest part. I’m sure once you pick it up, you’ll be motivated to keep going. Good luck!!!
Someone once said to me that if you write down all the things you’ve done it’s always more impressive than what you remember about it. That appears to be the case for you!
You’re inspiring me to consider massages. There’s a place not too far from where we live that I’ve long considered stopping in at, but probably fear or a sense of awkwardness keeps me from going. But I know I’d probably benefit from one.
Definitely check out that massage place. My husband gets massages twice a month so you know he likes them too. Nothing is more relaxing. 😌
Can I “job” shadow?!?! 😁
All you have to do is retire!!! 😉
Sounds like a great week to me. I don’t follow tennis, but when a big golf tournament is on, I do the same thing. I was just thinking today, retirement feels like winning the lottery!
Isn’t retirement the best thing ever? It does feel like winning the lottery.