If you’re looking for an easy yet delicious dessert for your 4th of July celebration, you must try this trifle recipe. Looks & tastes great.
June is all about what’s going on In the Kitchen. Read this to discover recipes you might have missed along the way.
As I get older, I think more about life and whether or not I’m truly living or just existing. Does it require purpose and meaning? Find out. It’s simpler than you might think.
This month I revisit posts about health and exercise. It covers my health, my husband’s, and my mom’s, plus my inability to manage my weight.
I’ve walked a lot over the years, but recently I met my goal of 4 times/week for a complete year. Read about my walking experiences.
It’s the fifth year of retired introvert and this month and I’m sharing past posts about my family and friends. Check it out!!
Looking for something healthy and tasty? Replace pasta with zucchini, add some cooked shrimp and a few other things and you’re good to go.
Here’s the March installment of the Fifth Year of Retired Introvert. It’s about cats, which I haven’t written about for almost three years.
There are so many technology options when it comes to fitness trackers that it’s not always easy to know what’s best for you. Here’s my experience with a couple..
Here’s February’s edition of my Fifth Year of Retired Introvert series. This month, I’ll link you to past posts about books I’ve read.