My Favorite Day of the Week

To me, it seems like forever since I’ve posted, thanks to my unexpected time off last week.  Let’s hope this doesn’t happen again but with technology, there are no guarantees!!

Earlier this summer, I was reading a post on a blog I follow asking people if they have a favorite day of the week as a retiree.  I thought that was an interesting question and decided I’d write about it myself.

Every day is a Saturday

You’ve heard people say that, right?  Well, I have to say it’s very true.  You know that Saturday morning feeling, when you have two days ahead of you without work.  (Well, some of you may not, but I think you understand where I’m going.)   Don’t you want that every day?  You get that with retirement.

That’s what makes it so hard to have a favorite day!!  OK, there are some days that are better than others.  Let’s see if I can figure this out.

Tim’s still working

Tim’s days off are Sundays and Mondays.  Sundays are typically filled with church, lunch, grocery shopping and home.  We then have a little bit of time when Tim listens to music and I read or play games on my iPad.

Mondays tend to be filled with errands.  And depending on what we’re doing on Sunday, those errands could include grocery shopping.  (I don’t like grocery shopping on Monday.  Too many other people seem to like Mondays for that.)

In the past, we took our tenderloin trips or went to a movie on Monday.  It’s nice going to a movie and not having to fight the crowds.  There might be as few as 5-10 people in the theater.  (Unless it’s on Columbus Day, and your only seat options are the front row.)  Plus, you kind of feel like you’re getting away with something, going to a movie in broad daylight!!

I enjoy these days we spend together.  But I don’t usually do much of my own thing.  I rarely do any sewing, card making, or blog writing.


Tuesday is the day I get the house back in order and do laundry.  I prefer doing laundry one day each week, so we make sure we have plenty of underwear, socks, towels, etc. that we can each go a week without running out of anything.

Tim’s work clothes are the biggest challenge, especially in the summer.  And if he’s running every day, that can be a problem as well.  So, I may do another load during the week, but generally, I like to devote my Tuesday to laundry and be done with it.

I also try to post a blog every Tuesday.  I am always ready to get to my laptop and either start something or finish something I started earlier.  Sometimes I need to let the ideas percolate in my head for a while!!

Wednesday – Friday

There’s nothing special about these days.  Some weeks, I’ll have a massage or a hair appointment.  These are typically the days I start a new project or work on something that’s in progress. 

It seems like once I get to Wednesday, I feel like my week is going by too quickly.  But why should I care?  There’s no reason to feel any pressure other than to complete my self-imposed to-do list.  Maybe we never get that sense of a Monday – Friday schedule out of our heads?

I may also do some baking on these days, especially if we’re visiting the grandkids over the weekend or Tim needs snacks for his lunches.  These would be cleaning days as well, if I can motivate myself to do it.  I’ll write about that in a future post!!

And I also try to post a blog on Friday.  In addition, I write my Facebook Weekly Recap and Motivation Monday posts on Fridays.  Did you know with a Facebook page, you can schedule your posts?  It comes in very handy, especially if I’m going to be out of town or busy with something else.


By the time I get to Saturday, I either try to do everything I didn’t get done earlier in the week, or I give up altogether.  This time of year, I’m enjoying sitting in my recliner, watching football and working on whatever my current needlework project is.  Later, it will be basketball.

My only “stress” for the day is trying to figure out how to watch the three teams I follow – Iowa (of course), Iowa State and Ohio State.  I had the perfect day a few weeks ago.  They were all on at different times.  I was in my recliner from 11:00 AM until almost 11:00 PM, with a few breaks in there for eating!!

Then there was the week when they were all on at the SAME time.  That was challenging.  I tried going back and forth, but that wasn’t working so I focused on the Iowa game.

I also start thinking about next week’s plans, especially what we’re going to do for meals.  Then I can work on our grocery list for Sunday shopping.

So, how do I pick a favorite day?

I simply can’t.  Yes, I enjoy the days with Tim but I also love the days when I’m on my own schedule.  I can’t pick Saturday, because it doesn’t feel like a Saturday anymore.

I will admit, sometimes when I get to the end of a week, I’ll have trouble remembering what day it is.  Sometimes Thursday feels like Friday and sometimes Friday feels like Saturday.  You know that feeling?

I guess that’s the beauty of retirement.  Every day is good, so I don’t need a day to look forward to.  That doesn’t mean I don’t have special days I look forward to.  It just means there’s no longer one day that’s always more special.

Do you know that spark of dread that sometimes hits you out of the blue, when you sense you have something coming up?  I still feel that sometimes and then quickly remind myself that I don’t have anything to dread these days.  For the most part, I only have things to look forward to.

Isn’t retirement the best????  😊